Launch a Father's Day campaign through social media (mostly organic) in less than a week by repurposing a TV Spot originally slated for the Super Bowl earlier that year.

We created "dad-inspired" moments by utilizing Cheerios O's as the visual treatment. We promoted a sponsored post to urge consumers to send their dad a free box of Cheerios via #SendDadCheerios. We urged consumers to send us a photo of their own "dad-inspired" moments, and we used the aggregated content to create unique cover photos for our social media page and a special tribute video to Cheerios fans. We also set up a content hub where fans could download special Father's Day card print outs that comprised of using actual Cheerios O's.
Facebook Posts

Cover Photos

Father's Day Video
Father's Day Printable Cards Using Cheerios

We gathered over 6,000 likes, and over 2,000 comments through both promoted and organic social posts. We had over 500 user-submitted photos. Users on average spent over 6 minutes engaging in the content hub with over 300 downloads. Overall, the client was very thrilled to have a successful social media campaign that was conjured up in less than a week.